
Working together to enhance police responses to child sexual exploitation and related vulnerabilities

Briefing Papers

Last updated: Tue 03, 2017

A Strategic Needs Assessment

A Strategic Needs Assessment: Interim Report

To identify priorities for the CSE and Policing programme of work, researchers from the IC have conducted stage one of a high level strategic needs assessment in order to identify key challenges police face in responding to CSE and associated vulnerabilities in adolescence. This briefing is an interim report, detailing the emerging findings of this needs assessment exercise and recommends areas of work for the CSE and Policing Knowledge hub to prioritise over the coming year.

Briefing Papers

Disclosure or exposure? Why young people may not seek or want your help (at first) A Briefing for the Police

The briefing explores why young people affected by CSE may not seek or want help. It is relevant for all practitioners and people working in the police who have a role to play in intervening in and supporting young people abused through sexual exploitation. It is particularly relevant for those working in a multi-agency context, providing useful background knowledge to inform management of disclosure in order to facilitate police intervention and prosecution of perpetrators. 

Policy Briefing: Inspection and the policing of CSE – Learning from the Joint Targeted Area Inspections

In 2016 Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for the Constabulary (HMIC), Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Probation (HMIP), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the social care division of Ofsted conducted five thematic joint inspections into local responses to child sexual exploitation. This briefing draws out the learning from the joint inspections that are specific to the policing of CSE and considers the implications for local policing practice and national policy in the light of the needs assessment conducted by the CSE and Policing Knowledge Hub in 2015.

A Trauma Informed Approach, Child Sexual Exploitation and Related Vulnerabilities

The purpose of this briefing is to introduce the principles of trauma informed practice and apply them to police work, specifically in relation to child sexual exploitation. This information is most relevant for operational front line officers, those in specialist roles, and specialist unit line managers.

Contextual Safeguarding, Child Sexual Exploitation and Related Vulnerabilities

This short briefing introduces the concept of 'contextual safeguarding' to a policing audience and considers the implications of this approach for policing responses to CSE and related vulnerabilities.  This will be of particular interest to police in strategic roles.  

You may also find the related video "Safeguarding teenagers from sexual exploitation and violence outside the home" by Dr Carlene Firmin useful. This can be accessed on our videos page

What do we know about Child Neglect and Policing in England and Wales?

The purpose of this briefing is to provide the National Policing Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation with evidence for consideration in the development of a National Safeguarding Action Plan. This briefing distils key messages from the available research evidence on neglect, and considers them within the policing context in England and Wales. 

What Evidence Exists about the Scale of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) in England and Wales?

This scoping review was undertaken on child sexual abuse to inform the development of an overarching National Policing Action Plan on child protection. This particular briefing focuses on what is known about the scale of child sexual abuse (CSA) in England and Wales based on the range of information available. 

What do we know about Child Sexual Abuse and Policing in England and Wales?

The purpose of this briefing is to provide the National Policing Lead for Child Protection and
Abuse Investigation with evidence for consideration in the development of a National Policing
Safeguarding Action plan. The briefing summaries the available evidence on policing and child sexual abuse and is structured to reflect the journey through the CJS with additional messages from research on police preparation and planning

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